Food Sustainability Compliance Ecosystem

Unlocking sustainability through advanced end-to-end traceability technology, specialized expertise and full partnerships from “farm to fork”.

From first-mile digitalization to accurate reporting: we help you track and document your sustainability

We help companies navigate and anticipate European and global regulations, focusing on sustainability and food safety standards.

How We built It

Trusty S.r.l. - Benefit Corporation is one of Europe's leading ecosystems for food supply chain traceability and regulatory compliance.

Our Partenrships

Our farm to fork partnerships are chosen to complement and enhance our solutions, optimizing every aspect of the supply chain.

Our Clients

With our expertise in agri-food supply chain traceability, we've earned the trust of national and global leading  companies by ensuring transparency and quality at every step.
Tonnes of raw materials

Our Solutions

Blockchain-based, API-integrated end-to-end solutions for supply chain traceability and regulatory compliance.
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EUDR Compliance Solution

Modular Technological Solution with Geo-Location for Deforestation-Free Supply Chains, Legal Compliance Data Integration, risk assessment and reporting.

QR Code - E-Label Solution

GS1 Digital Link standard QR code labels to improve information sharing with buyers, businesses, and consumers.

Traceability Solution - Made in Italy

Modular, Blockchain-based, API-integrated end-to-end traceability Solution to create value in agri-food supply chains, promoting Made in Italy worldwide.

Traceability Solution - International

Modular, Blockchain-based, API-integrated end-to-end traceability Solution to create value in agri-food supply chains through trasparency.

Regulatory compliance with Trusty

Specializes in Italian and European sustainability regulations, including the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), Trusty helps businesses in the sector not only meet but exceed regulatory requirements.
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European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

The EU regulation 2023/1115 mandates that commodities like cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soy, wood and their derived products must be deforestation-free, impacting producers, importers, exporters and traders.

Legislative Decree Environmental Labeling

The 'Environmental Labeling' document elaborates on the mandatory guidelines under Legislative Decree 152/2006, Article 219, emphasizing proper disposal methods and integration with the CONAI system to enhance sustainable practices.

Wine and spirits nutritional Values

From December 8, 2023, wine labels must display nutritional values and oenological compounds used in vinification, as specified by the European Oenological Codex.

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

The FSMA, enacted January 4, 2011, focuses on preventing foodborne illnesses by empowering the FDA to enforce proactive food safety measures.

Corporate sustainability due diligence directive (CSDDD)

The aim of this European Directive is to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour in companies’ operations and across their global value chains.

Trusty's platform for EUDR is now validated by RINA

Trusty's platform has been validated by RINA as a support tool for companies seeking compliance with EU Regulation 2023/1115 on deforestation

Cocoa and coffee: how companies fight deforestation through Trusty's blockchain-based platform

With over 100,000 tons of materials traced and 50,000 farmers mapped, Trusty is now used by more than 150 clients worldwide.

EUDR: Obligations for Operators and Traders Upstream and Downstream in the Supply Chain

EUDR Compliance: A Complete Guide to Obligations for Operators and Traders Upstream and Downstream in the Supply Chain

EUDR Compliance: Guide to the Due Diligence Statement

EUDR Compliance: a fast and simple guide to the Due Diligence Statement

Go live with Trusty

Our advanced technological solutions are modular and tested to ensure quick implementations

1-3 Days

Qr-Code E-label

2 - 3 Weeks

Traceability Solutions

1 - 2 Months

EUDR compliance

Start your journey with Trusty